Alfresco syncs up enterprise content

Alfresco has a new platform to allow users of its ECM platform to securely share content outside of the organisation’s firewall, a solution it calls enterprise sync.

The technology allows enterprises to rapidly build extranets, collaborate with customers and simplify employees’ access with mobile devices,  while IT remains in control  of all corporate content.

“The trend of the ‘consumerised enterprise’ has led to other vendor solutions that focus and address consumer needs, not those of the enterprise. Unfortunately, this industry trend has created content chaos and companies are demanding a better alternative,” said John Powell, CEO of Alfresco.

“We are distinctly positioned to create the next phase of ECM to bring seamless synchronisation to the market with Alfresco that is enterprise-proven, IT-tested and business consumer-approved.”

It allows employees to select documents and folders from Alfresco Enterprise and sync them to Alfresco in the cloud. With this new functionality, there’s no longer a need to worry about where a document was last updated – in the office or the cloud. With Alfresco Enterprise Sync, all files are synchronised across locations.

Alfresco has also announced a beta release in November of Desktop Sync, promising the ability to seamlessly sync between files saved to the desktop, cloud site or on-premise solution. 

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