EzeScan cleans up its act

EzeScan has announced a new release of its scanning software with improved image clean-up/enhancement processing, better Q/A on larger batches, powerful new email import features and faster PDF creation.

Now compatible with the Microsoft Windows 8 OS, EzeScan has  added the ability to create multiple image enhancement profiles within a job. A different enhancement profile can be assigned to scanning, import folder and import file modes.

Viewing also now has its own enhancement profile. By default a profile called ‘Default’ is assigned as the enhancement profile for scanning, import folder, import file and viewing. This can then be disabled in each mode by selecting ‘None’, or simply set to another custom enhancement profile name.

EzeScan now also supports splitting an image into N rows and N columns. Each column or row can be individually sized based on a percentage of the original image height and width. This is ideal for splitting fan-folded or booklet documents into a multipage TIF or PDF.

Other new features include:

- the ability to write a customised page number onto a scanned image using the Mark-up options;

- more accurate Invoice Processing, as ABN searching now includes modulo checking to ensure that the only valid ABN numbers are found; and

-  improved email import functionality. There is now an option to import an email in an .eml file format. 

There are a number of new features specifically for SharePoint users:

- Taxonomy support has been added to EzeScan’s upload connector;

- Cloud based customers can now use EzeScan to scan images into SharePoint Online; and

- EzeScan can now launch a SharePoint workflow when a scanned document is stored into SharePoint.


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