SmartCloud Docs challenges Office 365, Google Docs

IBM has added its name to the list of cloud document management contenders with the launch of its IBM SmartCloud Docs hosted solution.

Released in early 2013 the new cloud-based suite  includes a word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation tools compatible with Microsoft Office.

It also includes the ability for users to develop their own blogs and wikis.

IBM quotes Forrester Research, which estimates cloud computing will grow from a $US41 billion business in 2010 to $US241 billion in 2020. It also believes the market opportunity for social enterprise apps will grow at a rate of 61 percent through 2016, reaching $US6.4 billion.

"As the mobile workforce moves beyond gaining access to email and calendars to collaborate and generate new ideas and be more efficient anytime, anywhere, on any device, the intersection of social, mobile, and cloud becomes even more critical," said Alistair Rennie, general manager, social business, IBM. 

"Social and mobile are driving business transformation, helping all aspects of an organization from marketing, human resources, sales and customer support and development leverage social concepts in their business processes. The power of cloud helps to amplify this by delivering enterprise strength computing power where and when you need it."

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