CVISION releases Trapeze eFiler 2.0

CVISION Technologies has released Trapeze eFiler, a software solution designed to automatically classify and route PDF files and image documents into network folders, SharePoint and other document repositories. 

Handling paper within an office environment is cumbersome and time-consuming. In order to maximize employees’ time, organisations can leverage eFiler to make documents more accessible with less manual filing and searching. 

eFiler also helps ensure documents are not lost or misfiled, while reducing costs and optimising employee time. eFiler processes incoming documents from scanners or file folders and routes these documents to a user, group, or repository within an organisation. 

eFiler was engineered to maximise how organisations handle PDF files and scanned paper within SharePoint. Integrated directly with SharePoint, eFiler enables companies to organize and classify documents within their SharePoint environment. The out-of-the-box solution combines the efficiency of document classification and distribution with the flexibility of a direct SharePoint integration. By automating workflows and routing documents with eFiler, organisations can produce measurable ROI in a short period of time.

eFiler differentiates itself by leveraging advanced machine learning to improve upon classification results even further. The system gets smarter as new files are released to network folders, SharePoint or other document repositories. The eFiler system can learn classification rules based on an existing file system or SharePoint taxonomy. 

A classification system can alternatively be built automatically by analysing documents in a single folder. As eFiler processes more documents, it gets smarter by understanding an organization’s business and classification rules.

eFiler Features: 

• Automatically classifies, files, and routes documents;

• Direct integration with SharePoint;

• Learns document structure (taxonomy) from existing SharePoint sites or network folders;

• Machine learning technology to improve system knowledge base over time; amd

• eFiler generates compressed, text-searchable (OCR) PDF files.

CVISION’s eFiler is built for high volume document processing. CVISION’s Trapeze can be leveraged to automate and classify incoming paper from point of entry into your organization. For even more automation, eFiler can be integrated seamlessly into other Trapeze suite solutions for automated data extraction and predictive analytics, including solutions for invoice processing and forms processing.


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