cleanDocs Desktop stops data leaks

DocsCorp has announced the release of its new metadata management software - cleanDocs Desktop - which enables organisations to better protect themselves and their clients from accidental information and metadata leaks.

cleanDocs can remove more than 100 metadata types from MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents. In addition, IT Administrators can specify custom property manipulations. For extra security, cleanDocs can convert documents to PDF using DocsCorp’s new PDF technology.

It does not require access to the authoring application, instead it works on the binary level to analyse and clean documents speeding up the process also via multi-threaded processing.

IT Administrators can establish enterprise-wide metadata policies to ensure all documents are cleansed of metadata. Alternatively, users or nominated users can be allowed to modify cleaning options at the point of sending based on the recipient’s trust level to provide a more flexible approach rather than a “one-size-fits-all” solution.

Mobile email is on the rise and so are the dangers of metadata leaks as people increasingly use smartphones and tablets. A new cleanDocs Mobile module, due for release in April, 2014, will only cleans documents that come from mobile devices (iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone) or through Outlook Web Access. 

cleanDocs Desktop integrates with Outlook and provides the user with a rich experience at the point of sending. cleanDocs Desktop and cleanDocs Mobile work in unison to ensure documents are only cleaned once. They can be deployed independently or together for a more comprehensive metadata management solution

A trial version is available at

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