Kofax Capture 9.0 aims high

Kofax is introducing new capacity for deploying its Capture workflow across enterprise wide installations with a new release of Kofax Capture, Version 9.0.

Version 9.0 allows users to automate the deployment and updating of the software, their applications and any customizations from a central server. Remote sites automatically receive these and updates as they become available.

The new release also ensures high availability at remote sites through redundant licensing, which improves system reliability and ensures business continuity.

Kofax Capture 9.0 also includes the capability to update, modify and revise specific aspects of a document batch class while processing is already in progress. This reduces the potential for exceptions that might later require time consuming and costly manual steps to correct.

Additionally, specific document types within a document batch can now be routed to specific operators for specialized handling, thus accelerating processing times while lowering operator training costs.

Updated to support Microsoft Windows 7.0, the new release also includes a Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) that enables enterprise customers to seamlessly deploy Kofax Capture using their standard software management and delivery tools. 

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