
Hermes Precisa Australia has had two significant shareholders added to its register.

Quantum Corporation has released DLT tape drives which offer up to 40GB of storage capacity.

The Bank of Queensland has begun a comprehensive $16 million project for enabling back-end systems for electronic commerce.

Insight Technologies will combine its knowledge management expertise with the e-commerce experience of Web development firm Zivo, in an alliance supported by Microsoft.

Two separate deals show vendors are aligning with local KM integrators.

Open Text has announced the latest release of its intranet-based application, LiveLink.

iXOS Software has announced SAP certification of its iXOS-ARCHIVE 3.5 for SAP ArchiveLink 4.5.

Compaq Computer has announced enhancements to Compaq Archive, its electronic document and archiving system.

FileNET has introduced Panagon 2000, which enables users to build Web-based and client/server content management and business automation applications.

Two Melbourne researchers have completed the world's first PhDs in which the research was conducted, supervised, submitted, examined, and stored on-line.
