
EDS is looking to gain an important advantage in the Asia-Pacific market by joining forces with a number of other major global players to jointly develop IT products and services in the region.

Despite last year's criticism over Telstra and constant outcries over off shoring services to other countries, such as India, Australia is now emerging as a popular offshore base for some of the world's biggest companies from the U.S. and U.K.

A survey has revealed an interesting set of responses from 38,000 people interviewed in 200 countries, who blame unclear objectives, lack of team communication and ineffective meetings as some of the reasons why they only manage three prod...

A study conducted by Blue Coat, a security appliance maker, has revealed that anti-spyware software products for desktops are failing to meet their basic goal of eliminating spyware from computers.

A new report has revealed that botnets are much more threatening than was first thought after 226 attacks made on 99 different targets between November 2004 and January 2005 were analysed through The Honeynet Project.

Most business integration projects are not being delivered on time, and nearly half of all projects are not achieving the expected return on investment (ROI).

A study released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics has revealed that the use of e-business tools by retailers is on the increase in a number of Australian businesses to help increase their competitiveness.

Critical data and information held in remote offices in enterprises can now be backed up centrally thanks to a new system released by FilesX to improve data protection anywhere in the world.

Apple has decided that the fruits of future DVD storage will be rewarded with the development of Blu-ray technology and it has decided to join the Blu-ray Disc Association.
