
An advisory group has been formed to help plan the Women in ICT summit, which is scheduled to take place later this year to help increase the number of women working in the tech industry.

EMC has poured salt onto the wounds of Hewlett-Packard, following its recent run of bad luck, which includes losing its CEO recently, by overtaking it as the biggest seller in the world of external disk-based storage.

The majority of organisations that outsource their customer service operations with the primary goal of saving money are destined to fail, according to a new study by Gartner.

PDAs, mobile phones and other portable devices could soon be handed their own storage interfaces following the publication of a final 1.0 specification at this week's CE-ATA Working Group at the Intel Developer Forum.

As part of the Bracks Government’s aggregated telecommunications purchasing strategy, regional Victoria is to benefit from a $6.5 million expansion of Telstra’s mobile broadband network.

Promoting its position in the mobile computing space it may be, but Toshiba is also looking to make life a little easier for Australia's workforce with its formation of a group that aims to create more flexible working environments across ...

HP and AppIQ have forged an OEM alliance to provide customers with a solution for managing heterogeneous storage.

Property developers now have the luxury of seeing the vision of their new buildings projected into the environment in which they will be built, thanks to a new 3D visualisation product.

A Sydney University lecturer spoke last night at the latest Graphic Arts Services Association of Australia meeting about how much easier it has been to teach his students about the finest art work in the world since he has been using Cumulus.

A study carried out by market research company ACA Research has revealed that most SMEs see data backup, recovery, the archiving of data and the need to upgrade applications as their top main IT priorities.
