
In addition to the emotional trauma endured by the victims, hi-tech

Keeping track of old documents and finding them in a hurry can be a laborious, time-wasting, even grating process, but help is apparently at hand with the introduction of a software application that makes it significantly easier to find im...

There's nothing sexy about hard drives-and, increasingly, nothing profitable about them either. Little surprise that storage vendors have spent recent years hyping philosophies like centralised storage and information lifecycle management ...

The idea behind WORM media is to help solve some of the many fears that organisations currently have about new compliance regulations; to provide the capacity needed to store large quantities of electronic records for many years, but more ...

The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) aims to reach beyond its current vision of standardising storage products and services regardless of make and model. Rodney Appleyard reports on its ambition to create a level playing fiel...

The company behind the Storage World event, which is held in Sydney each year, have decided to put the event to bed, but those inclined to lament its passing should not be concerned, as event organisers Terrapinn have signed an agreement w...

When it comes to accessing porn at the workplace, Australians definitely like to watch. And is your webcam being exploited as a tool by a Peeping Tom? Stuart Finlayson reluctantly accepts the mission to delve into the seamier side of the N...

Though it may not like to shout about it, a better example of how to go about acquiring a new business application than the methodology used by radio broadcasting company Austereo would be hard to come by, such is its thoroughness. Organis...

The Australian film industry has positioned itself to earn a greater share of work on blockbuster movies such as Lord of the Rings and The Last Samurai with the launch of a super-fast broadband network to link Australian post-production an...

There is no doubt that email has some wonderful benefits-it is fast, convenient, is a great way to keep in touch, allows large volumes of information to be transmitted, and can reach many people anywhere in the world-all with the click of a button.
