
IBM has impressed power and automation technologies supplier ABB sufficiently enough in Europe and North America to land an eight-year, $57 million services deal to supply services to ABB Australia and New Zealand.

Australian financial companies will have to brace themselves for a new criminal trend that has already hit the U.K. and could catch on over here too if hackers and fraudsters consider it an opportunity too good to miss.

Microsoft has launched a new web search tool, which it hopes will rival the Google for providing users with instant search capabilities, as a move to counteract Google's transformation into a multibillion-dollar company.

The dreaded Sarbanes-Oxley Act was finally unleashed this week in the United States, meaning major enterprises had to meet the deadline of completing reviews of their internal financial controls, which could cost them dearly, and in turn a...

Constant threats of fraud and identity theft have given organisations the jitters around the world, so more businesses are turning to authentication processes all of the time to help overcome these insecurities.

Australian exports have been passing through customs much more smoothly than ever since July because of an electronic system that allows customs declaration forms to be processed much more quickly and accurately than through paper-based do...

10 significant security holes have been found in Microsoft's Windows XP Service Pack 2, which escaped detection from recent security measures, according to a security firm.

A new monitoring and analysis system has been unveiled to oversee the performance and health of SANs so that faults can be discovered early and dealt with before they become a problem that can have a detrimental impact on business activities.

The Institute for Information Management has appointed a new Executive Officer, with a strong history of dealing with trade associations throughout Australia, to help raise the profile of the organisation over the next 12 months.

The makers of a new solid state disk claims to have doubled the capacity of its products to help its financial, telecom, broadcasting, government and military clients speed up their enterprise applications.
