
Hackers have once again defaced the SCO Group's website, with a message that mocked the company's claims for financial recompense over the alleged use of its proprietary Unix code within the Linux operating system.

ZyLAB has received approval by the U.S. Department of Defence for its ZyIMAGE records management solution, a significant boost for the company as it tries to compete for records management contracts in Australia under its distributor, Netl...

Executives at Sun Microsystems' SunNetwork conference, held recently in Shanghai, admitted the company has gone a tad awry in recent times, but is now firmly focused

Set to take place once again at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, and running in tandem with Information Security World and Email Management World, this year's Storage World conference and exhibition promises to be the biggest yet...

It started off with what most industry observers considered to be an April Fools Day gag, and has quickly degenerated into what could be described as the ISP equivalent of a 'who can pee the highest' competition, with a bit of conspiratori...

Airline travellers are now less likely to slip through the security net of Australian immigration thanks to a new system in place that records passenger movements far more accurately than ever before. Rodney Appleyard reports.

Computer Associates has established Kazaa as the greatest spyware threat on the Internet because of its enormous popularity, having been downloaded 214 million times.

The federal government is preparing to release a new program that aims to protect Australia's critical infrastructure computer networks from attacks by hackers and cyber terrorists.

Broadband services in Australia have received a vote of confidence by an Australian Communications Authority study, which states that Internet services in this country are very reliable and fast.

A new search engine has dared to enter the already crowded market, dominated by the likes of Google, but promises to provide search results based on the habits of its users.
