
Proof that Microsoft is concerned about the growing presence of open source software can be found in the software giant's latest filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

More than 8,000 small and medium businesses (SMBs) in Queensland’s Redland Shire now have access to what is believed to be the world’s first mobile-wireless business incubation model.

EMC has taken on the chief architect of IBM's Grid computing to be its new chief technology office in charge of EMC's technology strategy and the evolution of its information lifecycle management software and services.

Inadvertent though it may be, the European Union is sticking it to Microsoft again through the funding of a 1.5 million euro (AU$2.6 million) open source software research project.

Intel announced today that 25 universities have agreed to link up an initiative that will allow learning practices to be developed through the use of mobile, wireless computers.

The provision of broadband to Australian citizens should be viewed in the same way as water or electricity - as a basic and affordable right.

A new report provided by Gartner has revealed that the sales outlook for RAID disk storage systems, used at large enterprises to hold information for mainframe computers, will not be as high as expected in the future.

Following the recent news that Tower Software has been selected as one of three panellists enlisted to address electronic document and records management needs for agencies and authorities within the South Australian Government, GMB, which...

IBM and Intel have released the design of their blade computer servers to encourage other companies to make components that are compatible with them inside data centres and the telecommunications industry.

The first ever movie recording has been made on a holographic disc using technology that allows discs the same size as today's DVDs to store as much as one terabyte of data , 200 times as much as a single layer DVD, and 40 times the speed of a DVD.
