
Zantaz has agreed to buy Steelpoint Technologies, the provider of litigation support software, in a move that will toughen up its ability to offer compliance capabilities in addition to its storing and retrieving provisions.

Inhabitants of the Australian outback who have a TV but no telephone may soon be able to surf the Net, thanks to researchers at the Australian National University in Canberra.

HP has announced plans to buy UK based Synstar, the provider of services to manage the IT infrastructure and improve business availability over desktop configuration and data centres.

PeopleSoft has revealed to the Securities and Exchange Commission that it has lost over US$70 million trying to avoid Oracle's hostile takeover bid through using internal resources to respond to the offer.

Statistics show consumers are gaining confidence in purchasing goods and services over the internet, from buying their favourite music or books, bidding in online auctions and organising holidays.

Key figures involved in the creation and delivery of a new health information exchange project, using information technology as the link, believe the technology has the capacity to both improve the long term care of patients with chronic d...

IBM users from a broad range of industries, including the government, law firms and top branded companies such as Coca Cola will meet the people this week who write the code, create the software and hardware for IBM to discuss how the tech...

UserLinux will be available for testing by corporations by the beginning of September so that they can experience the capabilities of Linux without paying for the cost of other providers, such as Red Hat.

Research conducted in the UK has found 34 faults in different Oracle database servers, and most of these flaws have been identified as extremely critical vulnerabilities.

Research conducted in the UK has found 34 faults in different Oracle database servers, and most of these flaws have been identified as extremely critical vulnerabilities.
