
Not a throwback to the swinging sixties, but rather the proliferation of tiny hard drives that are delivering PC hard drive level storage capacity to much smaller devices, such as digital cameras, mobile phones and MP3 players.

Novell has made another step towards making Linux a more attractive operating system than Windows by releasing the source code for its email and calendar software.

Tadpole has released the first notebook computer to offer open source software on the desktop, which it claims to be far more reliable and immune to viruses than Microsoft desktops.

Employment issues continue to dominate the concerns of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) professionals.

Despite the recent fear by organisations about the use of camera-enabled devices in the work place, such as PDAs and cell phones, some councils in Australia are embracing this technology to help complete their work more easily.

Enterprise content management company Objective Corporation has had its records management application tested and certified by the US Department of Defence (DOD) against the military records management specification, opening up a potential...

Employment issues continue to dominate the concerns of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) professionals.

Despite the recent fear by organisations about the use of camera-enabled devices in the work place, such as PDAs and cell phones, some councils in Australia are embracing this technology to help complete their work more easily.

Enterprise content management company Objective Corporation has had its records management application tested and certified by the US Department of Defence (DOD) against the military records management specification, opening up a potential...

The assistance of an Australian covert operator has helped imaging vendor Fuji Xerox Australia seize $2 million of counterfeit toner products in Hong Kong.
