
LSI Logic Storage Systems has filed for an IPO and has announced that it is to change its name to Engenio Information Technologies.

The idea that storage software going the way of storage hardware and becoming a commodity – as has been mooted in industry circles – has been dismissed by one of the leading players in the storage software market.

The assistance of an Australian covert operator has helped imaging vendor Fuji Xerox Australia seize $2 million of counterfeit toner products in Hong Kong.

LSI Logic Storage Systems has filed for an IPO and has announced that it is to change its name to Engenio Information Technologies.

The idea that storage software going the way of storage hardware and becoming a commodity – as has been mooted in industry circles – has been dismissed by one of the leading players in the storage software market.

Australian employers engaged in the legitimate monitoring of the email and instant messaging activity of their employees have the potential to create a highly-charged and bitter industrial relations battleground if Australia were to follow...

Hewlett-Packard has launched itself into email archiving for the first time by releasing software that can search for emails stored in a server by subject and content lines for the benefit of companies concerned with compliance.

Novell has released a new open source solution that allows developers to build and deploy .NET applications across Linux, Unix and Windows operating systems.

Business application software provider PeopleSoft has teamed up with Jigsaw Services to secure a clutch of local government contracts across Australia and New Zealand.

In the wake of biometric ID card set backs in Britain recently, Australian companies are forging forward with new ideas, which could save people's lives in emergencies, as well as increase security at passport control and in banking.
