
With the .zip extension now being widely used by virus writers to wreak havoc on network security, organisations are considering the possibility of banning zip files.

Telstra and Nokia have released the first mobile phone to provide users will email access all of the time, through the incorporate of Blackberry software.

Fujifilm has shed more light on the reasoning behind its recent acquisition of its distributor for Australia and New Zealand, after its initially remaining silent when the deal was made public last Friday.

Open Text is thinking about setting up an online community for government departments in Australia to discuss important project ideas, but they want to see how the forum takes off in the U.S. first.

With the .zip extension now being widely used by virus writers to wreak havoc on network security, organisations are considering the possibility of banning zip files.

The Australian Capital Territory Electoral Commission is going to involve e-voting again at the next elections due later this year in October, after the success of its 2001 campaign.

The pervasiveness of Linux in the data centre environment is likely to be replicated in the desktop market in the coming years.

Anti-virus and anti-spam solution provider Sophos has integrated its Sophos PureMessage email management software with Sun Microsystems' Java(TM) System Messaging Server, an integrated solution designed to protect against spam, viruses and...

Accessing the web in the car, at the shop, or even in the street on the way to an important meeting, will soon be a reality for office workers thanks to the development of voice browsing software designed for businesses.

The Australian Capital Territory Electoral Commission is going to involve e-voting again at the next elections due later this year in October, after the success of its 2001 campaign.
