
A worldwide survey has revealed that businesses around the world have been slow to respond to anti-spam legislation, revealing that they could run the risk of huge fines and even prosecution.

The growing popularity of Linux on the desktop is not so much a threat to Microsoft, but more of an inspiration to create better products.

Reports that a flaw in the Internet's most widely use communications protocol has left the Internet open to a fatal attack were exaggerated, according to the researcher who is thought to have uncovered the weak link in the first instance.

Fuji Photo Film Co. has bought its distributor for Australia and New Zealand, Hanimex Australasia Pty Ltd, so that it can compete with the growing need for digital cameras in this area, having witnessed the demand grow massively over the l...

Plasmon has bought Raidtec so that it can integrate its cutting UDO disks to SAN and NAS network systems to provide a new archival storage solution for healthcare agencies, governments and corporate organisations.

News that scientists have discovered an apparent speed limit at which data can be stored and retrieved may disappoint many IT enthusiasts on first hearing, but the good news is that this optimum speed is around 1,000 times faster than the ...

Online travel company Zuji has announced that it is the first and only online travel site in Australia to offer Qantas, Virgin Blue and Jetstar domestic fares in an integrated online display.

Fuji Photo Film Co. has bought its distributor for Australia and New Zealand, Hanimex Australasia Pty Ltd, so that it can compete with the growing need for digital cameras in this area, having witnessed the demand grow massively over the l...

Plasmon has bought Raidtec so that it can integrate its cutting UDO disks to SAN and NAS network systems to provide a new archival storage solution for healthcare agencies, governments and corporate organisations.

News that scientists have discovered an apparent speed limit at which data can be stored and retrieved may disappoint many IT enthusiasts on first hearing, but the good news is that this optimum speed is around 1,000 times faster than the ...
