
These "phishing" scams have been on the increase in Europe, North America and Australasia and have been targeted at financial institutions, ISPs and multi-national companies.

The introduction of EMC's new disk library system into the market, which it says mimics tape backup but with much better performance, has prompted one rival to suggest that EMC is mimicking its approach to the backup market.

The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has described the introduction of the first Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) conformant products as a landmark moment and a turning point for the storage industry as a whole.

The new Australian spam law could cause huge problems for businesses unaware they are breaking the law through sending out direct marketing emails and newsletters.

Storage software vendor Veritas is using the platform of its Australian Enterprise Data Protection roadshow to issue clear guidelines as to how it intends to do business with the channel in future.

EMC is hoping to build a market place of customers for its new disk library system that require more speed and reliability from their backup than tape can provide, and who aren't averse to paying a premium for it either!

Microsoft has signalled its intention to get more deeply involved in the storage market by announcing a number of upgrades to its storage offerings.

The U.S. has kickstarted a palm pilot experiment in schools to help children organise their study programmes, which could catch on in Australia very soon.

Australian businesses face being sued for million of dollars if they do not prevent viruses from being passed on to other companies, according to an Adelaide law firm.

Australia will have a new IT minister after the election, with the present incumbent of the Federal Communications hotseat, Daryl Williams, having signalled his intention not to contest his seat of Tagney at the forthcoming poll.
