
Business software maker MYOB is to buy rival accounting software company Solution 6 in a deal worth around $233 million.

Optus has announced what it claims to be the first fully managed, online data storage solution to be introduced to the Australian market.

The print server market in Australia has suffered a slide, according to figures released by analyst group IDC.

Enterprise content management vendor Hummingbird and global solutions company LogicaCMG have announced a strategic alliance to deliver solutions in the enterprise information management space.

The implementation of broadband in Australia is still miniscule in comparison to some of our Asian counterparts.

PeopleSoft investors have voted overwhelmingly in favour of re-electing the company's board of directors, a decision that the board claimed was a vindication of its stance on the attempted hostile takeover by rival business application sof...

Storage systems provider Adaptec has raised the bar in the Serial Attached SCSI market through the release of its ASIC controller, which powers 4.8 gigabytes per second performance - seven times that of Ultra320 SCSI - for large database, ...

Dell has introduced a new a network attached storage (NAS) server designed to help small businesses, corporate workgroups and branch offices address increasing data storage needs.

As was widely predicted, the EU's ruling in the case against Microsoft saw it impose a record fine for a competition case in Europe of 497.2 million Euros (AUD$811.6 million).

Researchers at Seagate Technology are claiming a major breakthrough in the treatment of storage media that will enable the company to eventually achieve data storage densities of 50 terabits per square inch or more. At 50 terabits per squa...
