
DoCs, the New South Wales Department of Community Services, is to replace its mainframe document management system with a Siebel e-business based system to be integrated by Accenture.

The Federal Department of Education, Science and Training has signed a deal with systems integrator Alphawest to implement the TRIM records management application from Tower Software plus Hummingbird’s EIP and Collaboration software.

South Australian Water put the top five business intelligence applications to the test.

Image & Data Manager felt that in order to paint the full picture, the respective BI vendors should be given an opportunity to reply to the findings of SA Water.

Non-bank lender Aussie Home Loans has managed to save its marketing staff time in compiling reports, and reap the benefits from more targeted marketing campaigns, as a result of a successful business intelligence software implementation.

South East Water Australia will upgrade its customer information system (CIS) with DSTi Billing’s HiAffinity product.

Aussies will be able to answer the next census online and submit it over the Internet due to a legislated initiative undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Three local authorities in South Australia have stepped onto the knowledge and document management ladder by adopting Advanced Data Integration applications provided by Jigsaw Services.

Chief executive officers are knowledge workers too. A new tool from 80/20 Software called Leaders Online has applied the principles of KM to the everyday working lives of executives and board members.

A Kiwi has helped the World Bank focus on knowledge sharing.
