
Amnesty International, the British based human rights charity famed for its campaigns against human rights abuses in Burma, Cuba and Australia has adopted a search engine developed in Australia by 80-20 Software.

Spam became a political issue today. The Federal Government is supporting a campaign launched today by the Internet Industry Association. The IIA Anti Spam Campaign wants to put a stop to spam and claims it is damaging the development of th...

Australian software equips renowned human rights organization with powerful, accurate Website search engine

Kodak has integrated its digital science document archive writer with Captiva Software’s InputAccel.

Banks and financial institutions need a relationship of trust with their outsourced IT suppliers and they need to develop a greater level of inter-departmental trust. These are the findings of some research carried out on financial institut...

Pure play e-commerce travel firm Zuji is tackling the complexities of doing business in Asia with an online payment system from VeriSign.

How do you tout the benefits of Web services in an organisation with a culture of cynicism towards the IT industry at the top of the board? This is the task facing Sarv Girn, chief enterprise architect at Commonwealth Bank.

The promise of Web services to remove the complexity of enterprise application integration (EAI) is bearing some fruit, with vendors embracing Internet standards in their EAI tools.

Nestled between the capital city docks of Melbourne and Adelaide, the Port of Portland doesn’t get anywhere near the traffic levels of its larger siblings - Melbourne alone handles some $60 billion worth of trade each year.

Retailers who make commercial decisions based on their gut feelings are being encouraged to apply a more systematic approach, using a methodology called scientific retailing.
