
A tender from the Federal Department of Finance and Administration has whittled down its choice for hardware suppliers for 250 electoral offices down to several shortlists, with the big winners being Hewlett-Packard, Toshiba, Dell and Iomega.

The numbers don't lie: the storage industry's growth spurt is levelling out. The roller coaster ride isn't over yet, though.

Non-bank lender Aussie Home Loans (Aussie) has refined its reporting and decision-making with a data warehouse, in time for its launch into the mortgage market.

French developer Axway has completed integration efforts after its acquisition of the Asian assets of fellow enterprise application integration software maker Viewlocity.

Scientists in America have stored images on a molecule in an experiment that could revolutionise the way images and data are stored. An image of 1000 bites was stored on the atoms of a single molecule, the scientists reported to New Scientist.

The rush for market share in Asia continued today as knowledge management vendor Open Text announced that it has signed a deal with CDC Software, a large player in the Chinese market.

Disposal schedules within an organisation can now be maintained off-line by using a new module developed by Australian company This to That.

The first desktop hard disk drive featuring a native implementation of the new Serial ATA technology will hit Australia in January, with mainstream adoption expected in mid-2003.

A report which found the information and communications technology (ICT) trade deficit spiraled to $14.4 billion has sparked a political slanging match.

Technology integrator EDS has signed a global alliance with Xerox, adding to the successful relationship it has with Tower Software.
