Document & Records Management

The non-profit ARMA International has announced the availability of its long-awaited RIM Core Competencies, a publication that details all the ins and outs of being an information management worker.

Microsoft has made a major play in the healthcare sector, announcing the launch of a new technology platform aimed at ultimately helping patients better manage their medical information.

As part of a compliance and knowledge management initiative, Victoria’s Western Water has recently overhauled its document management system and converted over one million documents to digital format. It faced an interesting challenge in r...

Budgets have been slashed and you’ve been told to downsize. An eerie silence falls over the organisation as corridor chatter becomes whispers. Distrust sets in and you suspect anger and retribution will soon follow. The question is: where ...

Not long after it’s acquisition, Google’s new stable of online applications are already benefiting from Postini’s email security and compliance services, with its technology being added to Google Apps Premier Edition.

Technology and knowledge management (KM) have enjoyed a less than harmonious relationship since KM’s inception. The jury is still out as to whether vendors, knowledge managers or the nebulous nature of KM itself has been to blame for its s...

Don't let anyone tell you that insider trading isn't serious. Anyone found guilty of insider trading can be fined up to $220,000 and sentenced to up to five years' jail for every count.

Just in case there wasn’t already enough companies trying to nail down online office productivity turf, Adobe has decided to muscle in via the acquisition of the online word processed Buzzword.

Objective Corporation has become first vendor to have its content management solution gain full VERS 2.0 compliance certification from the Public Record Office Victoria.

In a major government win for Objective, the Welsh Assembly Government has selected the electronic document and records management (EDRMs) provider to cater for its physical records and growing compliance strategy.
