Document & Records Management

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is in the process of developing a "document exploitation' system that will improve its ability to analyse key information needed in the battle against terrorism. By Rodney Appleyard.

Is microfilm, which first came into use in the 1870s, undergoing a rebirth some 130 years after its first application as a support media in a time of conflict? Laurie Varendorff, who's involvement in records management stretches back more ...

IDM-What do you think will be the main issues under discussion at this year's RMAA 2004 international convention?

Whistleblower Kevin Lindeberg's story on the Heiner affair-or Shreddergate as it has become known-was first reported in IDM in our July/August 2003 issue ("When proof goes missing"). Since then, Lindeberg's struggle for justice has feature...

Corporate Australia may be somewhat nervous about the onset of new stiffer regulations around corporate governance and record keeping, but at least they have a point of reference.

The Queensland Government has assigned Fujitsu and Onyx Software Australia to help it improve information management as part of a statewide initiative to reform child protection and youth justice delivery.

ZyLAB has received approval by the U.S. Department of Defence for its ZyIMAGE records management solution, a significant boost for the company as it tries to compete for records management contracts in Australia under its distributor, Netl...

Fragmented internal printing systems could be a thing of the past thanks to a whitepaper, which suggests that centralised printing can make it easier for organisations to share information that is essential to their daily business.

The dreaded Sarbanes-Oxley Act was finally unleashed this week in the United States, meaning major enterprises had to meet the deadline of completing reviews of their internal financial controls, which could cost them dearly, and in turn a...

The Institute for Information Management has appointed a new Executive Officer, with a strong history of dealing with trade associations throughout Australia, to help raise the profile of the organisation over the next 12 months.
