Enterprise Applications

Australian ICT minister Daryl Williams has praised New Zealand's efforts to tackle the growing problem of spam, following a meeting with his trans-Tasman counterpart, adding that Australia's recently drafted legislation provided a useful m...

Many major companies are making important decisions routinely on remarkably inaccurate data. That is according to research firm Gartner, which estimates that more than 25 percent of critical data within Fortune 1000 businesses will continu...

After announcing a few weeks ago that it is to emulate the open source world by establishing a community of developers around its new Power microprocessor architecture, IBM is to take a step further in facilitating the expansion of this co...

Phishing has risen worldwide by 500 percent since January, the biggest recorded jump in history, according to message filtering firm SurfControl.

A new virus is in circulation that can completely wipe out Window Media Players, when users try to play MP3s or video files, as part of a sneaky plan to get inside PC systems through email links instead of attachments.

Australian ICT minister Daryl Williams has praised New Zealand's efforts to tackle the growing problem of spam, following a meeting with his trans-Tasman counterpart, adding that Australia's recently drafted legislation provided a useful m...

Many major companies are making important decisions routinely on remarkably inaccurate data. That is according to research firm Gartner, which estimates that more than 25 percent of critical data within Fortune 1000 businesses will continu...

After announcing a few weeks ago that it is to emulate the open source world by establishing a community of developers around its new Power microprocessor architecture, IBM is to take a step further in facilitating the expansion of this co...

Phishing has risen worldwide by 500 percent since January, the biggest recorded jump in history, according to message filtering firm SurfControl.

A new virus is in circulation that can completely wipe out Window Media Players, when users try to play MP3s or video files, as part of a sneaky plan to get inside PC systems through email links instead of attachments.
