Enterprise Content Management

Brainware has launched Globalbrain v5.3, the latest evolution of the company’s application for enterprise search and the engine that underpins Brainware Distiller’s intelligent data capture technology.

The Dragon Recorder app is a free application on the Apple iOS app store which makes it possible for Dragon customers to use an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch as a voice recorder to capture their own voice, and transcribe their recordings into any application on the Mac or PC with Dragon speech recognition.

Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) is taming the task of delivering content in multiple digital formats to any destination with a Cumulus digital asset management (DAM) platform.

TEMIS, a provider of Text Analytics software, has announced the launch of the next generation of Luxid, its flagship semantic content enrichment solution.

Open source ECM company Alfresco has announced an increased drive into the Asia-Pacific marketplace with increased local staff numbers on the back of 13 new customers in the past 12 months.

One of Australia’s leading grains commodity managers, the Emerald Group, has transformed the way it communicates with its customers via an outsourced document generation and content management solution from Computershare Communication Services.

We asked  Australia/NZ organisations how they are dealing with the complex challenges of enterprise content management (ECM) today. Around a third of IDM readers surveyed have deployed SharePoint as an ECM platform, a third are using use SharePoint alongside another ECM platform for governance and risk, and the remaining third have not deployed SharePoint at all.

ASG Software Solutions has released a new product to provide integration between business applications and SharePoint 2010, as well as enterprise archiving capabilities.

Migration of out-of-the-box and SharePoint Designer workflows, as well as custom workflows built with Nintex Workflow, are supported by Axceler’s newly laucnhed Davinci Migrator 2.0 for SharePoint 2010.

Objective CEO Tony Walls believes his company has got the drop on global ECM vendors with the announcement of a new cloud platform for government inter-agency collaboration, to be launched in 2012 as Objective Connect.
