Enterprise Content Management

Policing in the island state is underway with a five-year program to completely overhaul its IT systems, including an upgrade to the TRIM 7 records management platform that will provide officers in the field with Web access to TRIM by mobile devices.

OpenText has won the MAPA 2011 Microsoft Partner of the Year Award for ISV/Software Partner of The Year in Australia.

Scinaptic has added new support for Office 365 and private cloud environments to the latest release of OnePlaceMail, its SharePoint/Office/Outlook integration solution, which is also available in a free Express edition for the first time.

Redman Solutions has announced the release of Trapeze Capture for TechnologyOne’s Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution.

NOA Audio Solution has announced the release of mediARC 1.6, an upgrade to its workflow, media, and metadata system for audio archiving.

Australia’s IntelligenceBank has announced it will launch its ‘SharePoint alternative’ software as a service platform in the US. 

Objective’s expansion into the UK public sector market has suffered under the austerity drive by the new coalition government, causing a 4% drop in revenue for the 2011 financial year. However the company has reported Asia Pacific revenue grew by 11% to $A31.7 million and there was a 37% growth in profit.

A new survey of over 3000 IT professionals has found  64 percent of North American and Western European organisations are currently using SharePoint, while an additional 12 percent intend to within the next 24 months.

Torrents of data flow in every day to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), as it tracks the ebb and flow of southeast Australia’s major inland rivers. Brian Catto, CIO of the MDBA, is tackling ever-growing volumes of structured and unstructured data.

HELIOS software has launched its  its UB2 server software to enable designers, publishers, printers, and others to automate their image and document production processes.
