Enterprise Content Management

Access Innovations has announced that its Data Harmony suite of content enrichment and thesaurus management tools can now be fully integrated with Microsoft SharePoint 2010.


Alfresco has launched a preview of the Activiti Business Process Management (BPM) workflow engine integrated with its ECM platform.


Nuxeo has announced a Connector that enables Google Search Appliance (GSA) to index and search Nuxeo Document Management (DM) content.


Enth, a US developer of a database search engine, has announced the availability of the a Federated Search Connector for Microsoft SharePoint.


Axceler is promising expanded SharePoint policy enforcement capabilities are achievable with ControlPoint 4.2, the latest version of the SharePoint governance software.


Nintex has unveiled an updated version of its product line that helps report and analyse trends, performance and usage of SharePoint 2010 environment.


Promising to help tame the deluge of corporate data, a new enterprise search platform has been introduced by Q-Sensei, a German-US joint venture.


Lexmark subsidiary Perceptive Software has announced an enterprise content management (ECM) solution for Microsoft Dynamics AX.


Marex Group, developers of the FileBound Document Management Solution, has unveiled its next evolution, FileBound 6.


It began as a trickle and eventually become a veritable flood of disasters to strike Australia's northeast in early 2011. The devastating Queensland floods were followed in quick order by Cyclone Yasi, putting urban and regional councils under enormous pressure to support emergency and crisis management.

