Scanning & Capture

Despite the recent fear by organisations about the use of camera-enabled devices in the work place, such as PDAs and cell phones, some councils in Australia are embracing this technology to help complete their work more easily.

The assistance of an Australian covert operator has helped imaging vendor Fuji Xerox Australia seize $2 million of counterfeit toner products in Hong Kong.

The assistance of an Australian covert operator has helped imaging vendor Fuji Xerox Australia seize $2 million of counterfeit toner products in Hong Kong.

In the wake of biometric ID card set backs in Britain recently, Australian companies are forging forward with new ideas, which could save people's lives in emergencies, as well as increase security at passport control and in banking.

In the wake of biometric ID card set backs in Britain recently, Australian companies are forging forward with new ideas, which could save people's lives in emergencies, as well as increase security at passport control and in banking.

A survey conducted among employees and IT managers into the Internet habits of employees in the workplace has uncovered a startling discrepancy between what employees actually admit to doing at work versus IT managers' perception of what i...

A survey conducted among employees and IT managers into the Internet habits of employees in the workplace has uncovered a startling discrepancy between what employees actually admit to doing at work versus IT managers' perception of what i...

Fujifilm has shed more light on the reasoning behind its recent acquisition of its distributor for Australia and New Zealand, after its initially remaining silent when the deal was made public last Friday.

Fujifilm has shed more light on the reasoning behind its recent acquisition of its distributor for Australia and New Zealand, after its initially remaining silent when the deal was made public last Friday.

Fuji Photo Film Co. has bought its distributor for Australia and New Zealand, Hanimex Australasia Pty Ltd, so that it can compete with the growing need for digital cameras in this area, having witnessed the demand grow massively over the l...
