Network Storage

Printing and imaging strong. Storage and Servers also provide good news for HP shareholders. However, much of the good news is tempered with cost-cutting measures and thousands of staff lay-offs.

Legal compliance drives greater emphasis on email storage and management.

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'Microsoft Financing' - a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Seattle-based software giant - is extending its European and US 'buy now, pay in dribs and drabs' deal to Australia and New Zealand to encourage Vista take-up.

The battle for high-definition disc storage takes a strangely amateurish turn as Sony goes too early with its Sydney Blu-Ray PC disc-drive.

Cisco's announcement that it has rolled out and IP-based voice and data system to 1,200 aged-care residents and staff of the Hammond Care sees VoIP, RFID and wireless data capture and transmission maturing.

Novell bullish about the take up of SUSE Linux Enterprise 10, claiming a 30-40% market share in the global server market. Australia and New Zealand show the biggest uptake, globally, of the downloadable operating system.

Australia's Edith Cowan University in concert with the University of Glamorgan in Wales, has released its second annual report into the disposal of hard disk storage. And it makes ugly reading.

Storage switching market consolidates as erstwhile rivals combine. Cisco Systems facing concerted attack?

Apple Computer's relationship with chipmaker, Intel, is bearing more than desktop fruit with the recent announcement of hardware additions and software upgrades to its servers.
