Network Storage

HP says it has dramatically simplified networked storage for small and medium sized businesses with the release of its StorageWorks All-in-One storage system.

In a new world record, Seagate has packed 421 Gbits per square inch onto magnetic media, dramatically increasing storage capacities for magnetic drives.

Responding to increasing compliance demands being placed on enterprises, IBM has introduced a tape drive with full encryption. A first for the industry.

IDC’s storage tracker is showing yet more increases in the storage market, this time demonstrating an 8.6% growth in the worldwide storage software market.

2.6 million Circuit City customers in the US have potentially had their personal information put at risk when Chase Card Services accidentally threw out tapes containing sensitive data.

Vaulting your data no longer means taking it out of the loop according to Datacatch Inc.

With its gaze fixed on the backup and recover market, McDATA has launched its new Virtual Tape Library (VTL) promising improved backup and restoration performance and greater reliability.

HP has announced an overhaul of its line of Integrity servers, doubling the performance of its previous generation and offering it at half the cost of competitive solutions.

According to a recent Xerox survey, four out of five technology professionals say document management is part of an effective IT strategy, but many haven't found the right mix of technology and services to make real savings or boost productivity.

Verbatim has expanded its line of “Store ‘n’ Go” USB flash drives with a new range of devices designed with security and compliance in mind.
