Network Storage

After last week’s show in Vegas, Sun is making a redoubled effort with its storage business with a new VTL, a new Partnership with Falconstor and a round of handshakes with other industry heavyweights.

Removable storage specialist Imation has extended its commitment to what it calls the "new breed" of data backup technology, removable hard disk storage.

Google has updated its online office productivity offering to include a spreadsheet program, but is its online suite really what businesses have been waiting for?

In somewhat of a surprising turn, Overland Storage has reported that Dell is terminating an agreement made in November 2005 for the supply of two different automated tape libraries.

Holographic storage may be making waves when it comes to hard disk technology, however, Bayer has taken a different angle with the technology and is instead using it to increase pass card security.

Sun has announced the Sun StorageTek programme for makers of software, disk drives, network equipment and related technologies working with Sun storage systems.

IBM has announced that it is diversifying its service business and taking a leap into data centre power and cooling.

According to a new survey, Australia is dropping the ball compared to its Asian competitors when it comes to using the Internet for customer service and support.

Arkeia Software has let version 6.0 of its data protection software out to play, saying it provides seamless protection for large enterprises with distributed data.

In an issues paper released by the Australian Law Reform Commission today, the ‘Review of Privacy’ asks if the emergence of technology has threatened privacy in Australia.
