Network Storage

A new electronic patient record management pays for itself in a few months at the University of Queensland Health Service

It’s far from over but the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) has won a significant victory defending the legitimacy of its Wireless Local Area Network patent, granted in 1996.

Silicon Graphics Incorporated has introduced two new network-attached storage appliances, which it says cut administration time in demanding storage environments where immediate access to large amounts of data is required.

Global warming is becoming a pushbutton of epic proportions, and while its waste may not be as visible as others, the IT industry is anything but clean and green. Sun Microsystems is on a mission to change this.

It’s one for one on the encryption and data protection and migration acquisitions front, with NetApp and EMC’s recent respective acquisitions of Avamar ($165 million) and Topio ($160 million).

IBM has pulled back the curtain on two new midrange storage servers aimed at companies it says require “hardened” infrastructures due to their unique operating conditions.

ILM and storage provider CaminoSoft has pulled the sheet off its new platform migration utility, promising easier transitions for organisations switching between Novell NetWare to Novell SUSE, Microsoft Windows, or NetApp Filer server platforms.

A new survey by the German Software Initiative Deutschland (SID) and NovaStor has found that the loss of company data carries with it enormous economic risks.

DataDirect is showing off its new high-performance network attached storage (NAS) solution, saying that it can deliver up to 1.6 GB/s of sustained throughput while scaling up to 336 TB of Fibre Channel or 840 TB using SATA II disk drives.

With the launch of Windows Vista officially set now, a lot of companies are starting to roll out their next generation apps to smooth the way for those immediately migrating to the new platform. And that is exactly what Symantec is promisin...
