Network Storage

The idea behind WORM media is to help solve some of the many fears that organisations currently have about new compliance regulations; to provide the capacity needed to store large quantities of electronic records for many years, but more ...

The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) aims to reach beyond its current vision of standardising storage products and services regardless of make and model. Rodney Appleyard reports on its ambition to create a level playing fiel...

The company behind the Storage World event, which is held in Sydney each year, have decided to put the event to bed, but those inclined to lament its passing should not be concerned, as event organisers Terrapinn have signed an agreement w...

The Australian film industry has positioned itself to earn a greater share of work on blockbuster movies such as Lord of the Rings and The Last Samurai with the launch of a super-fast broadband network to link Australian post-production an...

There's still good money to be made selling high-end storage systems, but software is better. That is the simplified analysis of EMC's stunning turnaround from record losses to forward profit projections. By Gerard Knapp.

Last year, Gartner analyst Bob Passmore, addressing the crowd of attendees at the group's Planet Storage conference, declared the death of tape backup. "Tape will be unsuitable as a restore media" by 2008, he said, predicting that by then ...

HP has moved to ease customer identification of the right HP NAS offering for them by renaming their NAS appliances so that they carry the same name as the HP servers on which they are based.

HP has moved to ease customer identification of the right HP NAS offering for them by renaming their NAS appliances so that they carry the same name as the HP servers on which they are based.

HP has moved to ease customer identification of the right HP NAS offering for them by renaming their NAS appliances so that they carry the same name as the HP servers on which they are based.

A recent report has revealed that hard drives are set to be used more commonly inside homes as makers of consumer electronics, such as personal video recorders and music players have been buying drives for their products.
