Uncovering terrorist financing at Austrac: IIM2014

A new speaker add to the conference program at the IIM 2014 National Conference being held from 27-28 October at the University of Canberra will explore the murky world of money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF).  

Claude Colasante Director Intelligence, Money Laundering Criminal Targeting within AUSTRAC's Intelligence division will outline the challenges faced with interrogating financial transaction data to detect potential ML/TF risks

Colasante, who says “One of the biggest challenges we face is… "we don’t know what we don’t know" will describe the role of data-driven analytics in the FIU, network analysis approaches, and why he thinks think big data analytics is the future for effective detection of ML/TF individuals and networks.

Claude has extensive law enforcement experience having worked in various Commonwealth agencies including Centrelink, the Australian Securities & Investment Commission, the Australian Federal Police and the private sector during his career.  

During this time Claude has acquired a wealth of experience in the area of anti-money laundering, fraud, white collar crime investigations, intelligence, corporate investigations, forensic accounting, corporate governance, securities fraud and has been involved in number of high profile criminal investigations and prosecutions. 

In addition to his undergraduate studies, Claude holds an Associate Diploma in Business, a Diploma in Accounting, and a Post Graduate Diploma of Criminal Intelligence and is currently studying a Master of Arts (Intelligence Analysis) from Charles Sturt University.

Claude is a member of The Society of Anti-Money Laundering Professionals, the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS), the National Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers (AIPIO), the National Institute of Accountants (NIA) Australia and the USA Academy of Science and Engineering (ASE

Follow this link to view the full Conference Program