Boldon James launches Classifier360 data classification system

Boldon James, a UK-based provider of data classification and secure messaging solutions, has announced the launch of Classifier360. The Enterprise Classification System combines user-centric and automated data classification techniques to deliver a flexible approach to classification.

Recent findings from a Bloor Research report revealed that data classification is ranked in the top three most important security controls for organisations and is recognised as a key part of a successful security approach. Each organisation has different classification requirements dependent on the culture, compliance requirements, business processes, user’s technical skills or technologies deployed.

To address this, Boldon James has developed Classifier360 to enable businesses to blend user-driven and automated classification techniques based on the maturity of their security policies and flex the solution as their approach to classification develops.

Classifier360 brings together four classification techniques:

  • User-Driven Classification - empowering the users to make business-centric classification decisions
  • Recommended Classification - in which users are offered an intelligent default classification label based on rules linked to data and user attributes and
  • Prescribed Classification - automated classification of the data without user involvement
  • User-Endorsed Classification – a unique offer to Classifier360 which supplements any of the previous classification techniques by applying classification labels that require additional user validation before being regarded as authoritative – for example to support a workflow for the approval of specific sensitive information

Martin Sugden, Managing Director of Boldon James said, “Underpinned by our proven Classifier Platform and Product Suite, this is the most comprehensive and flexible classification system available on the market. An organisation can blend these techniques to deliver a robust and comprehensive data security policy, supporting users in their decision-making and enhancing an organisation’s previous investment in tools such as Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Digital Rights Management (DRM).”

Historically, organisations have been limited to the choice of a single classification approach and some have attempted to combine approaches, but have struggled with finding a balance between the usability and accuracy of the solution. Using Classifier360, organisations can adapt their data classification techniques according to business and infrastructure needs, whilst streamlining the workflow for routine classification tasks.

Martin Sugden continued: “This is data classification that revolves around the unique needs of each business. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ model that can be applied to every business. Each organisation is different in terms of their environment, processes and maturity. It is for this reason a more tailored and holistic approach is required when looking at data classification, so the business can be confident that the techniques are the best fit and will deliver the results they wish to achieve.”

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