OIA iManage Cloud goes Live

Office Information Australia (OIA), a provider of information management solutions and services in the Asia Pacific region, has launched the OIA iManage Cloud for enterprise content management.

The OIA iManage Cloud is a full-service, hosted instance of iManage’s electronic content management system. OIA iManage Cloud is available as a hybrid cloud service or fully hosted service in the cloud.

Users receive access to the full suite of iManage tools, including document management, email management, mobility, and more. The system is completely managed, doing away with the need to worry about upgrading the system, monitoring it, or applying fixes to the system when issues arise.

Jeff Andersen, Solutions Director, OIA said that this heralds a new era for iManage in the APAC region: “With the increasing relevance of cloud computing in this region, we felt it was imperative to ensure that our clients stay ahead of the game.

“The OIA iManage Cloud has been driven by the needs of both existing clients and new users in the marketplace, and so we’ve spent the last 12 months designing a platform that is simple for new clients to join, and just as simple for existing clients to move onto. This will ensure that as the iManage platform continues to evolve and be enhanced, our clients will always have access to the latest tools for their business.

"The OIA iManage Cloud has datacentres in both Australia and New Zealand initially, and we are considering other geographies as well. Our aim is to ensure that all our clients within the region have access to their content in a timely manner, and in a jurisdiction that meets their compliance needs.

“We have worked hard to develop a strong partnership with IaaS providers, which means we can cover the full service offering - not just the core but right through availability, backup and disaster recovery on a proven enterprise grade platform plus we can offer both internet based connections or private point to point connections with your enterprise wide area network.

“We've also invested a lot of time to make sure the private cloud technology is agile and robust, and our solution allows us to be flexible with customers in achieving either fully hosted and managed or hosted only, and the ability to grow in a truly incremental way as our customer's needs grow.

For more information on OIA iManage Cloud click here or contact info@officeinfo.com.au

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