Objective unveils Connect mobile apps

iPhone and iPad apps for the Objective Connect document filesharing service are now available from App Store.

This free companion app is designed for existing Objective Connect users and offers simplified navigation, the ability to access documents offline and document encryption.

It allows the creation of folders and uploading of photos, audio and video files directly from an iPhone or iPad with application level authentication and encryption.

Content can also be imported to Objective Connect from popular file sharing sites using the mobile apps.

Product Marketing Manager Chris Britton said, “We also see more and more customers using Objective Connect to enable their team to do more in the field. When integrated with a Document Management System (DMS) such as HP TRIM, Objective ECM or MS Sharepoint, Object Connect provides field workers access to critical documents and files - particularly popular with local councils managing Development Applications / Building Consents.”

A video profile is online HERE
