Software-As-A-Service Boom in Asia

Software-As-A-Service Boom in Asia

By Nathan Statz

July 26th, 2007: The results are in and growth is through the roof on Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) uptake in Asia. With the market increasing a staggering 92.5% in 2006 the future of SaaS seems bright.

Springboard research announced on Monday its latest results on Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) uptake in Asia. This growth has seen the total Asian market reach a market size of US$154 million, a massive boom. This trend is set to continue with Springboard forecasting that the SaaS market in Asia will reach US$1.16 billion by 2010, an expansion which would see it comprise 15% of the enterprise software application market.

SaaS has seen major activity from pure-play vendors like “, Netsuite, and WebEx all gaining increased traction in Asia” said Dane Anderson, CEO at Springboard. The research also showed satisfaction levels with SaaS applications ran very high, with all application segments scoring between a 7 to 8 on a 10-point scale

The big established names aren’t the only ones reaping in the rewards of the SaaS boom either, local market vendors like Australian based Saasu, Aussiepay and Singapore-based JustLogin are gaining popularity.

SaaS is redefining how software is viewed, and represents the popularised swing away from traditional viewpoints. Springboards projections mean that we are only at the start of the SaaS boom, with continued massive growth well and truly on the cards.

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