A digital revolution in PNG

The Remington Group is PNG’s best known technology and service led organisation. Servicing PNG since 1948, it provides PNG businesses, governments and AID organisations with business services, document solutions, printing, business equipment and after-sales support.
The Group also includes a range of subsidiary business with a total of over 250 full-time staff. With multiple outlets across Papua New Guinea, Remington Group is a reseller of many global brands including Konica Minolta, Fuji Xerox, Fujitsu and Brother. The organisation is now moving to help accelerate a digital transformation of traditional paper-based workplace practices in government and business within PNG.
In addition to offering the FileBound EDRMS in on-premise or hosted configuration, Remington has had to assemble some of the basic building blocks that can be taken for granted in other countries, such as broadband access.
With connectivity challenges throughout the country a subsidiary of the Remington Group has taken up a transponder lease on a regional satellite to offer network connectivity. Most organisations with regional branches throughout PNG have been restricted to local, manual processes as network interconnectivity was cost-prohibitive or just not available.
“Cloud computing is not a reality unless its Web-based. This country does not have reliable fibre infrastructure readily available yet so as well as offering the ability for companies to use our hosted EDRMS offering we need to provide the means for them to deploy it,” said Scott Horniblow, Chief Information Officer at the Remington Group.
There is some deployment of TRIM for records management in government departments in Port Moresby, but this is still generally paper-based as there is no particular agenda for digital transformation.
“We are the first to do this in this marketplace. It’s been a long time coming but we have taken the leap. Real Estate values here are extremely high so having a couple of containers full of paper sitting on some block of land somewhere is not good use of resources” said Horniblow.
“Many organisations here are still working with manual processes, but we are looking to begin by enabling those in the financial sector the ability to accept digital workflows for loans and approvals. The superannuation industry here is also keen to make changes to the way things have traditionally been done.But wherever their network of locations has extended beyond Port Moresby, regional processing has just been too expensive to consider.”
In order to build its own internal expertise, the Remington Group has adopted FileBound internally for its group operations, beginning with a rollout in HR and Accounts. It has also deployed high volume Xerox scanners to offer bureau services to PNG organisations, including document preparation.
“Remington PNG are a great partner for us” said Lee Bourke, CEO of FileBound Australia. “They have tremendous relationships with corporate and government organisations as well as having all the skills needed to deploy complex solutions into challenging environments.”
“Remington are setting themselves up for success as they have chosen to use the technology to start a digital transformation themselves. We find our partners win more work and deliver much better outcomes for their customers when they have been on the journey themselves” said Bourke.
“We are very excited to see what the future holds”.
The Remington Group has already sold its first significant project. A major Finance Company based in Port Moresby has chosen to digitise and automate their loan approval process. They will be using PSIcapture to extract data from branch submitted loan applications as well as applications submitted via their purpose build consumer banking App.
Phase one of the project will include document capture and workflow routing in FileBound that is built to their exacting risk management standards. In a secondary phase of the project there will be an API based integration done with the institution’s credit report provider so that the credit check component of the workflow can be automated. Remington are determined to be the leaders in digitisation throughout PNG.