iManage builds on AI platform

iManage has announced two new versions of its Extract and Insight products that feature enhancements based on its RAVN AI technology.

iManage Extract 3 is an enhanced version of its AI data extraction application including rapid self-training, which enables users to train iManage Extract 3 to locate and analyse content from documents and datasets relevant to their specific needs, without dependence on AI experts.

This enhancement helps organizations speed development and deployment of new data extraction applications, speeding the automation of tasks across the enterprise.

Organizations can re-use data extraction models among departments to streamline multiple projects across the enterprise and reduce the cost of deploying advanced AI solutions.

iManage Insight 10 adds RAVN AI technology to this enterprise search and knowledge management platform, enabling universal search to identify relevant content regardless of location. For example, the product’s Insight Knowledge Graph surfaces connections between people, expertise and knowledge to identify hidden experts, related projects and relevant clients.

Insight 10 searches and analyzes content from multiple data sources in a single user interface without programming. Advanced Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) capabilities allow organisations to rapidly connect to multiple repositories and standardize how data is represented, enabling better filtering and comparison of search results.