CROWN Records teams up with Knowledgeone

Knowledgeone Corporation has announced a new Global Partnership with Crown Records Management.

Mona Lai, Group Head of Business Development, Crown Records Management, said “We see a growing need for ECM (Enterprise Content Management) systems from our customers, driven by ever-changing business and regulation requirements.

"Knowledgeone is known for their strength in information management applications and will enhance our Crown Records Management capability globally. This allows us to continue to provide seamless, all around solutions to our customers and give them the best experience throughout their digital transformation journey.”

Frank McKenna, CEO of Knowledgeone Corporation, said, “We have been working with Crown Records Management  for some years and I am most pleased to announce a new Global Partnership whereby Crown will market Crown specific versions of Knowledgeone Corporation’s ECM products to its customers around the world.

"This includes all the products from the RecFind 6 Product Suite for both Cloud & On-Premise solutions as well as our new RF6Cloud products, RF6-RM and RF6-EDRMS. We absolutely could not have a better, more experienced or more competent partner than Crown; they are the leaders and standard bearers in the industry.”

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