Pointsec Plugs USB Security Holes

Pointsec Plugs USB Security Holes

January 23rd, 2007: Mobile data protection specialist Pointsec has released its latest security offering, focussing on end point vulnerability and stepping up protection from rogue USB devices.

The most formidable firewall and cutting edge perimeter security can mean nothing to a malicious employee with a USB key. And with flash technology hitting 8GB per stick, a lot of data can go missing in the blink of an eye.

The company claims that Pointsec Protector is the only product available which addresses these internal threats through a combination of port management, content filtering and media encryption. The solution combines port and storage device management with Reflex Magnetics' DiskNet Pro and media encryption to protect data while it is in transit. Pointsec says that depending on policy, Protector can prevent or limits data transfers to portable storage devices.

"While organisations of all sizes are scrambling to protect their sensitive information through security solutions designed for networks, port security is one avenue of data loss at the endpoint that many IT managers are just now becoming aware of through recently reported data breaches," said Marty Leamy, President of Pointsec Mobile Technologies, Americas. "The risk of data loss through unprotected ports and plug and play storage devices is a serious concern among all organisations in possession of confidential data.

“Once this sensitive information is copied through a port to a storage device - whether it is by a malicious insider or a well-meaning insider who is unaware of the security policy - it becomes vulnerable to loss, theft and unauthorised use."

There are other end point security systems on the market. Solutions such as Centennial’s Devicewall also have the ability to control port access and data movement according to established company policies, however, Pointsec does appear to have something new in the ability to encrypt data as it is transferred to the portable devices, adding that extra layer of security in case of loss or theft.

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