Brocade Releases Software-Only Tapestry

Brocade Releases Software-Only Tapestry

December 14th, 2006: Brocade and Packeteer have released a new software-only version of Brocade’s Tapestry Wide Area File Services (WAFS) solution, enabling smaller enterprises to deploy high-speed file access solutions in branch offices.

Based on Microsoft’s Windows platform and running on Windows Server 2003, Brocade says that Tapestry WAFS provides LAN-like access speeds for access to shared files across Wide Area Networks (WANs).

Brocade says that the software streamlines data consolidation and increases security through centralised data management. The main benefit of software-only Tapestry, however, is it is now much more suitable for smaller offices, but still retains its scalability.

"The performance and productivity advantages of the Microsoft-based WAFS software has been proven in thousands of remote and branch offices to date," said Brian Garrett, an analyst with the Enterprise Strategy Group. "The new software-only version of Tapestry WAFS provides a cost-effective option for smaller remote offices which has the potential to extend the benefits to tens of thousands of new users."

With the growing emphasis on compliance and disaster recovery, the ability to centralise data has never been more important. Smaller players who in the past have ruled out remote office consolidation due to the expense may now be able to rethink their data management strategy.

"As enterprises focus on improving the reliability, availability, and security of remote office data for compliance, business continuity, and IT efficiency purposes, Brocade is continuing to deliver innovative solutions to market in response to customer demand," said Tom Buiocchi, Brocade Vice President of Marketing. "With this latest release, Brocade now offers customers greater flexibility and choice by providing both hardware and software options for implementing an enterprise-wide WAFS strategy."

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