Vignette Bolsters Web ECM Suite

Vignette Bolsters Web ECM Suite

October 2nd, 2006: Vignette has announced a new version of its web content management suite, promising enterprises greater power for the dynamic delivery of personalised, persuasive online content.

The company says its Vignette Content Management enhances Vignette’s fully extensible information management suite to custom deploy a large number of content items to multiple Web sites and devices, and do it in real-time.

“In today's highly competitive and fast-paced world, organisations have a need to fundamentally change the way they communicate with their customers, partners and employees to gain mindshare,” says Larry Warnock, chief marketing officer at Vignette. “Our Next-Generation Web solution enables these organisations to provide a differentiated, interactive experience to their customers through the use of personalised content.

Warnock goes on to say that Vignette's software powers the Web presences for some of the most important brands in the world, adding that it has “again raised the bar in the Web content management industry.”

New features include:

  • Additional options for content entry, like wizards and layouts, enabling faster input and easier alteration of information.
  • Customer-driven publishing and policy enhancements to help align internal processes with end user requirements.
  • Expanded search and workflow support for additional custom fields to help streamline the manipulation of data.
  • Improved performance for viewing and retrieving millions of data elements to help organisations respond quickly to the growing number of end users and applications on the Web.
  • Extended platform support across a range of IT environments, including HP-UX, Microsoft SQL and OpenLDAP among others.

“Organisations looking to heighten the customer experience are increasingly adding interactive functionality into their Web sites, enabling customers to not only consume but contribute content as well,” says Lou Latham, principal research analyst at Gartner. “An enterprise-class Web content management solution lets organisations successfully deploy next-generation Web initiatives.”

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