Windows Scores HELIOS Support

Windows Scores HELIOS Support

October 3rd, 2006: Australia’s DataBasics has announced that five HELIOS UB Unbreakable Server Solutions for prepress and enterprise networks can now run on Microsoft Windows-based computers.

Previously only available on major UNIX-based platforms, The HELIOS UB family offers cross-platform local and Internet file sharing and printing, with PDF, image conversion, colour management, and proofing solutions.

This update enables the software to be run on a range of scalable server platforms such as Apple OS X, Hewlett-Packard HP-UX, IBM AIX, Linux, Sun Solaris, and Microsoft Windows.

“We are glad that our Web, PDF, print, and prepress server solutions now support the Windows Server platform,” Says Helmut Tschemernjak, CEO and president of HELIOS. "HELIOS server solutions represent over 15 years of server development, and are finally available as a first-class citizen on the Windows Server platform.”

The HELIOS UB product family includes:

  • Base UB for Windows for advanced print services
  • WebShare UB for secure web-based file sharing, distribution, and document collaboration.
  • ImageServer UB, PDF HandShake UB and PrintPreview UB for office, design, prepress, and printing operations.

HELIOS will be introducing its Windows products at the upcoming IfraExpo in Amsterdam, October 9 - 12, and at GRAPH EXPO in Chicago, October 15 - 18 2006.

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