Sun Ties Knot With Ten Industry Partners

Sun Ties Knot With Ten Industry Partners

October 12, 2006: Sun has announced the Sun StorageTek programme for makers of software, disk drives, network equipment and related technologies working with Sun storage systems.

At a customer conference in Las Vegas this week, Sun said the technology provided by the partners selected had been tested and certified for interoperability with Sun’s existing products. In a mutually beneficial partnership, Sun will work with its partners to cross sell solutions and later provide customer support.

In alphabetical order the 10 partners include; BakBone, Brocade, Dot Hill, EMC, HP, Hitachi, LSI Logic, McData, Oracle and Symantec.

Though its existing Sun Partner Advantage programme, Sun already works with 64 storage partners. The StorageTek Ready programme provides a consolidation of the technologies frequently requested by enterprises.

The vendor also used the Las Vegas conference to launch its replacement of Virtual Storage Manager (VSM) Open, tape management technology it had previously let go last year. The technology had been developed by StorageTek before it was acquired by Sun, only to be dumped after the acquisition. The low end appliance known as VTL Plus is expected to be available this quarter.

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