WA Government Selects Objective for Supplier Panel
WA Government Selects Objective for Supplier Panel
September 13, 2006: The Western Australian Government has appointed Objective Corporation to its newly established preferred supplier panel for Electronic Document Management Systems
The preferred supplier panel has been established by the Western Australian government in order to assist government organisations in complying with local and international standards for document and records management. Labelled the Common Use Arrangement (CUA) 8005, the panel consists of three WA Government approved suppliers to provide EDMS to government agencies.
The preferred supplier panel has been established by the Western Australian government in order to assist government organisations in complying with local and international standards for document and records management. Labelled the Common Use Arrangement (CUA) 8005, the panel consists of three WA Government approved suppliers to provide EDMS to government agencies.
Objective claims it has an strong track record of successful EDM government implementations, with it’s solutions already featured on both the equivalent NSW and SA Government preferred supplier panels for Records Management Systems, while also being certified against the Victorian Electronic Records Strategy (VERS.) “Western Australia is an important market for Objective,” said Tony Wall, CEO, Objective Corporation. “Objective’s Perth office has the largest dedicated team of ECM specialists in Western Australia and is one of the state’s leading technology specialists.”
Objective is already offering it Enterprise Content management (ECM) solution to a range of government customers in the state including the WA Department of Community Development, Department of Consumer and Employment Protection, Corruption and Crime Commission, Department of Conservation and Land management and Western Australia Police.
Western Australian government agencies undertook a series of evaluations and testings of a range of different solutions in order to ensure the preferred suppliers met functional and technical requirements for effective government EDM.
Objective’s contract is due to commence on the 29th September 2006.