NASA Knowledge Management Expert In Sydney
NASA Knowledge Management Expert In Sydney
July 25th, 2006: NASA’s chief knowledge architect, Jeanne Holm, spoke exclusively with IDN about Knowledge Management (KM) and social networks.
Jeanne Holm is the Chief Knowledge Architect at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Jeanne told IDM about her role at NASA and her role in improving access to (and reuse of) the knowledge within the agency. Jeanne will be in Sydney for the Social Network Analysis, NASA master class forum on September 5, 2006.
Jeanne is a major driving force behind NASA’s web presence. This has lead to her liaising with a variety of vendors, all of whom tender for the plumb title of ‘NASA Developer’. Having been with the organisation for 22 years, her latest role involves ensuring that NASA becomes a knowledge-sharing environment, ensuring that lessons are shared and used across the entire organisation.
Knowledge management is like a Knowledge ‘eco-system, says Jeanne, “In the beginning most organisations have to look at the infrastructure before an eco-system can develop. To carry the analogy further, you need a stable environment, few ?uctuations in political storms, and users who understand the value of sharing their expertise with co-workers. That sets the conditions in place for knowledge to grow and organisational learning to occur organically throughout the company”.
To read the full IDM interview with Jeanne Holm check out the July/August issue of Image and Data Manger Magazine